Produced by Bob Abbott | © & Ⓟ 2015 Their Records | All Rights Reserved
Guitars, bass, organ, vocals – Bobby Abbott
Additional guitars – Often Bathes
Drums/percussion – Jack Brown
Recorded and mixed at Abbsong Studio between 2013-2014
Additional tracking October 2015
Album photography by David Kernan
I Take It To Heart - by Bob Abbott | Published by Abbsong Music, BMI
When I think about the bull that you told me, I take it to heart
When I think about the lies that you sold me, I take it to heart
And now it’s time to let you go
Suddenly I am left alone
All the songs I did until now I’ll file them away
All the projects I’ve kept putting off, I’ll start them today
And though you made me lose my mind
It wasn’t me it was you all the time
I’m beginning to think that love was just a game with you
When I think about the love that was taken, and not given back
I take it to heart and you know that’s not where it’s at
And though I’m lonely as hell tonight
Please don’t call ’cause I’ll be alright